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Captura de pantalla 2019-12-31 a las 16.43.34.png

​Láminas y reproducciones​

A parte de los originales en series limitadas, dispongo únicamente de 3 láminas/prints en tamaño A3 firmadas a mano y numeradas de cada nueva creación.

Consulta disponibilidad para adquirir una lámina de cualquiera de todas las obras que puedes ver subidas a la web o en instagram.

Ancla 2

Pablo Salvador

Nature & surrealism

My life focuses on the balance of body-mind-nature through art, Qi Gong and Tai Chi.

I work with nature and surrealism as a expression form, mixing a universe of photography, illustration

and digital painting.

I wrap my life, meditations, experiences and feelings within imaginary worlds and surreal montages.

My work creates a link between the human being and the natural world from a Taoist perspective. No matter where you are on the planet, the union with the animals, plants and elements of the Earth is the same for everyone. We are all Everything.

We need consciousness, we need reality,

but also fantasy.


Painting the planet

The art of planting a global forest

Seed by seed, little by little, with your help.

A percentage of the works for sale, classes, courses and workshops of Chi Kung and Tai Chi, is allocated at the end of each month to this precious and necessary project.

Captura de pantalla 2022-04-05 a las 10.03.52.png




Don't hesitate to ask me any questions about your order

in terms of availability, sizes or shipping. I'll be happy to help you.

CUSTOM ART & COMMISSIONED: Write me also to comment on your idea.
Everything is possible if it's in your imagination and if it agrees with my current work style.


+0034 627 901 427

¡Gracias por tu mensaje!


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© 2021 by Pablo Salvador.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without consent.

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